Saturday, November 17, 2007

Special "Moodle Workshop"

Saturday was a free day - but only for the students at the Bundes- gymnasium Babenbergerring - not for the project group. There was a special session planned with the first instructions about the use of Moodle - Carlos (from Sevilla) ran the course and he did a spended job!
From this start of using the e-learning platform it was easy to integrate students into our work. Besides this the platform is used for communication and document exchange.

Here is a short video of the course!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Special presentation in the "Arena Nova"

Mr. Christoph Sigmund (the manager of the "Arena Nova") invited us to a special workshop about event tourism. We had the pleasure to get a lot of interesting information about the importance of the Arena Nova for town and region.
It was a special oportunity to visit the builings and exhibition/fair halls during a running fair.
This meeting will be the start of an official partnership between the Arena Nova and the BG Babenbergerring. By this partnership a lot of knowledge will be brought into the project.

Visiting BG Babenbergerring

The participants of the meeting in Wiener Neustadt visited the school on Friday, 16th November.
The group was guided by the students of the 7B (Dep. Of Computer Science), every student got his guest to care, to inform about the special school situation and to answer questions.
The 16th November was open house day at the Bundesgymnasium Babenbergerring, the guest could attend at a lot of activities. From teachers of almost all subjects special presentations had been prepared and there existed the possibility, to get involved actively in learning and presentation situations.

The guests had a reception with the headmistress, Mag. Maria Kornfeld, in her office. Mag. Kornfeld - busy during two school presentations - offered our guest a handsigned bi-annual report of the school as a small present.

Picture (from left to right): Jorge & Nuria (Adeje/Teeriffe), Inita & Vija (Diklu/Latvia), Enzo & Claudio (Verona/Italy). In front the headmistress signs the annual reports (Picture taken by Carlos).

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Work in the museum

Our partner institution - the Communal Museum of Wiener Neustadt - enabeled us to hold our meeting in the very interesting exhibition rooms. So we had our presentations nerby the marvelous airplane of the current exhibition.
Mr. Norbert Koppensteiner - the director of the museum - supplied us with coffee and drinks.
The working session was opened by Mag. Isabella Siedl as the representative of the Mayor of Wiener Neustadt.
The session was very successful and ended with a guided tour through Wiener Neustadt.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Reception in the Neukloster

The students association invited the project group, responsible teachers of the Bundesgymnasium babenbergerring, sponsors and other people related to school to a reception in the Neukloster (an very old monastery in the east of Wiener Neustadt). In the beautiful refectory - the place where the minques still have their lunch in ower days - the group had a phantastic dinner in an impressing environment.

Meeting: Visititing Vienna

Wednesday, 14th November 2007:
Meeting at school to go to Vienna. We had an interesting tour through the oldest part of town, fine lunch and e very exciting exhibition in the "Albertina" (Collection Batliner, modern arts).
About 50 students from the 6th and 7th form acompained us. This was the first contact between the students working at the project in Wiener Neustadt and the teachers of the partner institutions.